Teeth Cleaning

My daughter’s grandparents recently asked me if they could take her in for a teeth cleaning. I figured she was about due for one, and that if they wanted to pay for it, there was no reason to say no. She came home quite happy about her visit with the dentist, and I was glad to hear she didn’t bite anyone and she didn’t freak out. Moments like those in the past have not be quite as peaceful. I think that might change if we ever have to do something more than a cleaning. Goodness knows the dentist is not a lot of fun, but when you hear drills and strange instruments, you know someone is going to be unhappy.

Teeth Cleaning
Most children have a problem going to the dentist, and that is mostly the fear of the unknown. There are books you can read with them about going to the dentist. Though these can help, the often aren’t enough. Nothing is going to beat actually going there and seeing that everything is okay. The best way to do that is to take them in for a teeth cleaning a few times. That way, if something else happens, they aren’t going to be quite as freaked out when they have to go for something else.

My daughter really doesn’t need frequent teeth cleanings at her age, but I do get her in once a year. She starts school soon, and I know they will help keep an eye on this. I remember when I was young that we had them done right in school, with our parents permission of course, though I’m not so sure that they do this any more. I don’t even know if all schools can afford to have a dental hygienist on the staff any longer. I know we had it, but as it turned out, I found out that many of my friends that I know now never had one.

One thing that people forget about when they get older is to go in for teeth cleaning on a regular basis. I know that I didn’t do it for a while, but then again, I never thought I needed one. That thinking was rather stupid. A good teeth cleaning is good for the teeth, and it makes you feel better, at least for a little while. Now that I have to think about this for my daughter, I guess it’s time that I go in and get it done for myself more often.


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